
Adopted FEBRUARY 2019!

Ivy’s Story:

Little Miss Ivy was part of our Freedom Flight Rescue program in December 2018. She’d been saved from an overcrowded and under funded animal shelter in South Korea by our rescue partners at Band For Animal. At about 6 months of age, Ivy was so cute and sweet!

Ivy’s family says she’s doing so well in her new home! She loves playing with her terrier sister, Fiona, whom her parents also adopted from Camp Cocker just a few months earlier. They share that having the two girls together has been amazing. They are great sisters who get along really well and both have been happy and healthy! They get to do all sorts of fun things like going to the beach, visiting the dog park, and snuggling together at home.

Everyone deserves a chance for compassion and a fresh start. We are so grateful that Ivy and Fiona made the long journey to America so they could have that chance. It feels so good to give these international refugees a fresh start for an amazing life.

From Ivy’s adopters: “Thank you for bringing both of them into our lives, we just feel so lucky to have them”

We rely on your donations! Please consider donating just $5 to help us rescue more dogs in need.