Teebo's Amazing Story

Teebo’s heart-wrenching story of escape, flight, miraculous rescue - and lessons to share!

Watch this story and share it with EVERY DOG OWNER you know!

Camp Cocker Rescue has been humbled to learn so much about how to catch a lost dog!

This is the story of a little dog that was rescued, and then needed to be rescued again after he escaped.

Grab a box of kleenex because by the end, you will be crying HAPPY tears of gratitude for the people that made it possible for Teebo's life to be saved a second time.

Please spread this far and wide, because most dog owners who have lost a dog would have made the very same mistakes that we made. We are humbled by the lessons we have learned through the roller coaster ride of trying to catch Teebo after he escaped.

We have so much gratitude to the volunteers at Dog Days Search & Rescue. They literally saved Teebo's life and brought him back to us alive.

In Teebo's honor, we want to paw it forward and help to raise the funds for Dog Days Search and Rescue Team to get a desperately needed new "used" van so they can continue their heroic rescue missions to save future dogs like Teebo.

We have an anonymous donor that is matching donations up to $10,000 to help us reach our goal. Please watch Teebo's rescue story and the amazing work that it took to get Teebo returned to us alive. If you can donate just $5, that will make double the impact (towards our goal of raising $20,000).

Donating to the matching campaign is super easy, right here:


The video is thirty minutes long but it's an important story for every dog owner to learn from. Because we were willing to admit we had much to learn about how to catch a lost dog, and allowed the volunteers of Dog Days Search and Rescue Team to teach us - Teebo is alive and back with us.

If we had believed we knew what we were doing and didn't need to follow directions, he may not be with us today.






Freedom Flight Rescue